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HVAC Products

Products Details

Static Pass Box is suitable to avoid cross-contamination between different classified area & to maintain integrity of product s & process while transferring material. Static pass boxes area used to transfer material without much personal movement between different classified area and avoiding particle contaminations

Booth for product’s sampling and dispensing are design as open front containment systemswith built – in scavenging arrangement that draw power aerosol away from the operator and the operating environment, protecting product & Personnel.

Our World class range of Dynamic passboxes are designed in conformation tothe international standards and are used for transferring the material through controlled environment to different classified area to avoid cross contamination & maintain integrity of product&process.

Horizontal Laminar Air Flow Workstation is designed specifically for highest product protection by providing ISO class 5 particle free work area for handling critical process. Themain HEPA Filter is situated immediately behind the working area, cleanairisthen blown acrossthe work surface towardstheoperator. The work area is continuously supplied with positivepressure HEPA filtered horizontal air flow. It prevents contamination from operator and environment to work area. The laminarity of the flow prevents cross contamination between the itemshandled in the working space.

Vertical Laminar Air Flow cabinets are designed for creation of a bacterial dust free air space. The work area is continuously supplied with positive pressure HEPA filtered vertical air flow & prevents contamination from operator and environment to work area. Airflowcabinets are used for work with low-risk substances & material.
Air Showeris designed to supply Class 100HEPA filtered air athigh velocity it helps remove particulate matter from the personnel entering into the clean room. Air shower works aspartial clean equipmentinstalled at the partition between theclean room and non-clean roomsto shower the personnel ormatters before entering the clean area. This units helps to remove dust effectively and maintains the normal working status. Air Shower is available I variousstandard dimensions also our cabinet can be custom engineered to fita ny size. These units are available in powder coated Mild Steel/ SS 304or combination of both.
Biological Safety Cabinet Class II Type A2 provide personnel, environmental and product protection. Air flow is drawn aroundthe operator into the front grill of the cabinet, which provides personnel protection. In addition, the downward laminar flowof HEPA-filtered air provides product protection by minimizing the chance of cross-contamination along the work surface of  the cabinet. Because cabinet air has passed through the exhaust HEPA filter, it is contaminant-free (environmental protection).
The application of Garment Cabinet is for storing the sterile aprons. The unit is used to avoid the dust contaminations as well as the bacterial growth. Unit is used in pharmaceuticals, Bio-tech, Food, Electronic Industries. The work area is continuously supplied with positive pressure HEPA filteredre circulated air flow.
Mobile Trolley is designed for transporting sterile products under ISO Class 5 (Class 100) particle free work area. The work area is continuously supplied with positive pressure HEPA filtered recirculated horizontal air flow.
Easy to use – Our Superlative quality air washer units are designed as per latest technology and trends making them a preferred choice of our customers. General Specification Air washer units in which spray water is used as medium for adiabatic cooling of air in humidification systems (by direct evaporation of water into the air stream thereby reducing the air’s dry bulb temperature and raising its humidity)

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